Review order settings

Review order settings

Below are the settings known as review order settings.

Auto fulfill digital orders: This will automatically fulfill digital orders and send customers a link to download the digital file.

Allow vendors to cancel orders: This will enable vendors to cancel orders.

Allow vendors to hold orders: This will enable vendors to hold orders.

Auto email vendors on receiving orders: This will automatically send an order email to your vendors immediately when a customer places an order on your website.

Order Routing Settings:

Orders must be confirmed before they are displayed on the vendor's dashboard.

  • Correct all errors in order (Product errors, Missing vendor/tax, Address errors): Will only route orders if any product errors, missing vendor or tax information, and address errors in orders are corrected.
  • Generate shipping labels for orders: will only route order if shipping labels for the orders are generated.
  • Generate invoices for dropship orders: Will only route the orders if the invoices for dropship orders are generated.

Return Window (days):

Specifies the amount of time (in days) a customer has to request a return after an order has been delivered.

These are global settings that can be overridden by vendor-level settings.

Consent Preferences